Walk around Old Agra

So here’s the thing: when I organize a trip, the way I build an itinerary is I read through a guidebook and I start getting a sense of what places I want to see, and how many days I can spend in each of them. When I read about Agra, I thought it was a one-day city, that I could do just two nights here and then squeeze in another destination at the end. But, I was given the excellent advice that in India it’s better to simplify your travel as much as possible, so I decided to do two full days here and drop Darjeeling from my itinerary. I figured I could do the Taj one day and Agra Fort the next. As it turns out, I did both of those yesterday, so I didn’t quite know what to do with myself today. One possibility was to visit Fatehpur Sikri, the archeological site of an ancient Rajasthani city, but the issue is that it’s in an entirely different region 50 km from Agra. In Japan, that’s the distance you cover when you sneeze in a shinkansen, but in India it’s not as easy. I looked for...