Yesterday I had a bit of choice paralysis when I was researching where to go today. It's my last day in Fukuoka, and I had all of Kyushu at my fingertips, so where to go? Friends' recommendations and web searches turned out lots of suggestions but no consensus. So I began looking into each one: there's Kagoshima, which has a volcano, but apparently the volcano's too active right now and so they cordoned off the area because of the toxic fumes. There's Kumamoto, which has a castle, but apparently the castle was damaged in a 2016 earthquake and is still closed for repairs. There's Beppu, which has famous onsen with all kinds of hot springs, but while I enjoy the occasional onsen I didn't feel like making an entire day trip just for that (I think it's like a 2h train ride from Fukuoka). So in the end I opted for Dazaifu, which is a small town just 20 km south of Fukuoka. I did feel bad for picking such a close destination having an entire island to choose...